"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn".
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
The fields of ecology and environmental science are growing faster than ever. Human populations around the world are rushing develop a more sustainable way of living on Earth and co-existing with all other life on this planet. But it is the youth of today who will have the biggest impact on sustainability.
In a fundamental way, I do not believe that there is any invention or technology that will benefit our natural environment so greatly as a child who has witnessed the wonderous machinery of nature up close, and has undertaken the lifelong journey to find their place in it.
The articles, projects, and activities of this section aim to give you the tools to help your child engage with nature, and embark upon their journey of discovery.
Featured Articles
anemptytextllineCreate a plaster cast of animal tracks! Learn about wildlife and create lasting souvenirs with...
anemptytextllineCreate a backyard wildlife pond to attract animals and insects. Observe frogs, dragonflies, and birds...
anemptytextllineIt All Started With A Hypothesis... Every great discovery in science starts with a hypothesis, an...
anemptytextllineExplore an incredible variety of bees with our bee species guide of 14 unique bees...
anemptytextllineUncover the fascinating bee interactions and the profound impact of bees on our ecosystem, from...
anemptytextllineGet ready for an exciting adventure to discover the honey fungus in Oregon, the world's...
anemptytextllineDive into the fascinating world of beavers in winter. Learn about unique beaver winter survival...
anemptytextllineWinter Forest Animals Nature Study Explore the magical winter forest and its animal inhabitants. Learn survival...
anemptytextllineWinter is a time of icy landscapes and chilly winds, a season when most animals...
anemptytextllineVideo Documentary Play Video about The Caribou Migration Checkout this cool documentary we produced on the iconic...
anemptytextllineList of Materials & Tools Materials Required A wooden box or frame (you can recycle an old...
anemptytextllineCompetition between living things can sometimes take the form of some of the most spectacular...
anemptytextllineMain Types Of Interactions Between Living Things In ecosystems, all living things are connected to each...
anemptytextllineWhat Is Antagonism? From predators to parasites, living things whose interactions in nature are a source...
anemptytextllineAs you know, all food eventually rots. While you might think that’s a bit gross,...
anemptytextllineMaking a DIY nature journal can be an incredibly rewarding activity for both kids and...
anemptytextllineWelcome to the wonderful world of ecosystems, where organisms, big and small, from ants to...

Check Out The Mushroom Nature Study!
Step into the mystical world of mushrooms with our spellbinding Nature Study Printable Book! Created for young explorers, this fungi-focused extravaganza is your ticket to unearthing the secrets of the mushroom kingdom.
Ecology Videos

Scientists have determined that the Earth’s ozone layer is healing! In the 1980’s, a hole in the ozone layer above the south pole was detected. The ozone layer helps to protect life on earth from harmful solar ultraviolet radiation. The cause was attributed to the increasing use of CFC’s (chlorofluorocarbons) in things like aerosols and air conditioners. Later that decade, 197 countries signed the Montreal Protocol in which they promised to eliminate the use of CFC’s. A scientific study published in 2020 showed that the ozone hole over the south pole reduced to its smallest size since 1982! It is predicted that the hole will heal completely in about 40 years, by the 2060’s.
Want To Learn About Trees & Leaves?

Check out the Tree Species ID cards page, to learn more about the different tree species, and how to identify them from their leaves!