Magic Potion
American Magic Potion, Japanese Magic Potion
armadillidium vulgare ‘Magic Potion’
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The Magic Potion isopodAn isopod is a type of small creature that belongs to the crustacean family, just like crabs and lobsters. They have a special body shape with a hard outer shell, which protects their soft insides. Learn More is a color variation, or ‘morph’, of the common Armadillidium vulgare isopod found in many regions around the world. There are 2 variations of the Magic Potion isopod known as the American like and the Japanese line. Both have a pale white to cream base color with bright yellow and dark brown accents, and range from 1cm to 2cm in length. The Japanese line magic potions are generally smaller in size, and have smaller color accents, but are favored with beginner isopod hobbyists due to their prolific breeding behavior.
Magic Potion

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